Exposure to debt and interest rate management products/derivatives and the methods and systems in place for monitoring and valuing these instruments has become a major focus of borrowers, auditors, regulators, institutional investors, rating agencies and credit enhancers.
Echo Financial Products, LLC recommends the utilization of our monitoring and valuation service, Echo Monitoring Solutions as it offers access to a comprehensive web based management system.
In addition to satisfying interested parties (auditors, rating agencies, investors) desire for a borrower to proactively adopt a derivative management and valuation system to provide current information, our service features tools and capabilities which simplify day-to-day management of swaps including:
- Daily marking-to market
- Cash flow accrual calculation
- Budgeting for variable rate accruals
- Email notifications upon predetermined trigger events (i.e. collateralization, counterparty downgrades, mark-to-market thresholds, additional termination events, etc.)
- Swap effectiveness testing for accounting purposes
- Swap mark-to-market value attestation for audit purposes
- Additional swap analytics to assist with day-to-day operations and analysis